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Showing 1273-1284 of 1431 Results


California Rushing to Kill Before Drug Expires

Now we know why California is in a rush to execute Albert Brown.  His lethal injection, now scheduled for 9 pm on Thursday, September 30, will take place just three…

September 28, 2010


10 Reasons to Abolish the Death Penalty

October 10th, 2010 is the World Day Against the Death Penalty, and the focus this year is on the USA. Here are 10 reasons why we need to stop the…

September 28, 2010


Act Now to Stop the Execution of Brandon Rhode

[caption id="attachment_13249" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Brandon Rhode's stitched neck wound. © Private"][/caption] [Update 12:15 am (Sept. 27): Brandon Rhode was granted a stay of execution by the Georgia Supreme Court on Friday…

September 24, 2010


Why is California Rushing to Kill Albert Brown?

California has not put anyone to death in nearly 5 years. Litigation around the state’s lethal injection procedures has led to a de facto moratorium on executions. But that moratorium…

September 23, 2010


The Great Experiment?

In a recent report to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,  the US touted its human rights record and argued that: The American experiment is a human experiment; the…

September 22, 2010


Will North Carolina Halt Executions?

Following the release of a devastatingly critical report on the shoddy work of North Carolina’s State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) crime labs, Seth Edwards, the president of the North Carolina…

August 31, 2010