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Showing 1297-1308 of 1431 Results


Troy Davis: What Will Happen Next?

On Wednesday, lawyers for Troy Davis and the Georgia Attorney General filed briefs in response to a few questions posed by Judge William T. Moore, Jr. at the end of…

July 9, 2010


Story of Two Women: Two Death Sentences in Iran

This past week Amnesty International and other human rights organizations have been highlighting the plight of two women sentenced to death in Iran. Both of them have suffered incredible injustices,…

July 9, 2010


Kevin Keith and the Witness Who Wasn't There

A man faces execution despite a strong claim of innocence.  With a conviction based on deeply flawed witness testimony, and emerging evidence pointing to an alternative suspect, doubts about his…

July 6, 2010


Comings and Goings at the Supreme Court

Today marks the last open session of the US Supreme Court and the last session for Justice John Paul Stevens. Justice Stevens' career covers the entire span of the "modern"…

June 28, 2010


Troy Davis Hearing: Day Two

The evidentiary hearing in the Troy Davis case ended on a somber note today, as everyone in the courtroom was aware that a matter of life and death was being…

June 25, 2010


The Humanity of Troy Davis

When I spoke with Troy Davis in Jackson prison in March, he talked about what he would do if the evidentiary hearing led to his release. One thing was sure,…

June 25, 2010


Former witnesses against Troy come clean

The testimony of the witnesses called by the defense team really underscored the fragility of the state's case against Troy Davis. It was amazing to hear their stories. Over the…

June 24, 2010