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Showing 1357-1368 of 1431 Results


Happy Human Rights Day! Now get to work!

[caption id="attachment_6530" align="alignleft" width="215" caption="Human Rights Day - © AI"][/caption] The date of December 10th was chosen to honor the United Nations General Assembly's adoption of the Universal Declaration of…

December 10, 2009


Ohio’s Rush to Resume Killing

UPDATE:  Kenneth Biros was executed by Ohio's new, untested, one-drug method.  It took the execution team about 30 minutes to find a vein; once the drug was administered, death occurred…

December 7, 2009


Military Service, PTSD, and the Death Penalty

A day before President Obama is to announce plans for escalating troop deployments in Afghanistan, the US Supreme Court issued an important ruling concerning returning veterans overwhelmed by the trauma…

December 1, 2009


A Troubling Week in Texas

The death penalty is always inhumane, and the past few days in Texas have brought to light some of its most worrisome aspects. On Wednesday, The Texas Board of Pardons and…

November 19, 2009


It's Still About Killing People

Caught between a legal requirement to avoid cruelty, and its desire to kill prisoners, the state of Ohio is struggling to find an acceptable method of execution following the botched,…

November 18, 2009


A Half Measure of Justice

The Obama administration’s decision to refer a further five GTMO detainees, including self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, for trial federal court in New York City is a small but…

November 16, 2009


The Execution of John Muhammad

UPDATE:  Virginia Governor Tim Kaine has denied John Muhammad's request for clemency. This evening Texas and Virginia, the two most prolific executing states in the USA, are both slated to…

November 10, 2009


Iranian Human Rights Defender Barred from Accepting His Award

[caption id="attachment_6033" align="alignleft" width="220" caption="Emadeddin Baghi, leading human rights activist in Iran"][/caption] On Monday November 9, the award ceremony for this year’s winner of the Martin Ennals Award for human…

November 6, 2009


Texas Ex-Gov Doubts Death Penalty

In a recent interview on NPR, former Texas Governor Mark White discussed his lack of faith in the ability of the legal system to reliably handle death penalty cases, and…

October 29, 2009


Docs Won’t Help Ohio Kill

[caption id="attachment_5885" align="alignleft" width="251" caption="Health professionals confirm death in 1998 Guatemala execution. (c) Jorge Uzon"][/caption] Ohio's botched and failed execution of Romell Broom, which has led to the postponement of…

October 26, 2009


Police Chiefs to Death Penalty: Drop Dead

The Death Penalty Information Center released a new study today on the high costs, and lack of real benefits, associated with capital punishment in the United States.  The report, called…

October 20, 2009


A Pardon 94 Years Too Late

Wednesday, Oct. 14, radio host Tom Joyner became the first person to obtain a posthumous pardon for unjust executions in South Carolina.  South Carolina is a typical gung-ho executing Southern…

October 16, 2009