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Showing 157-168 of 1431 Results


Death Penalty Awareness Panel

The Hamilton Amnesty High School Chapter is hosting a virtual panel focused on highlighting the injustices regarding capital punishment in the US through 5 unique narratives. Our speakers are: -…

Press Release

G20 leaders, don’t buy the spin: Saudi Arabia’s real changemakers are in jail

G20 leaders attending this weekend’s virtual summit hosted by Saudi Arabia must take the Saudi authorities to task for their shameless hypocrisy on women’s rights, Amnesty International said today. Women’s empowerment features prominently on Saudi Arabia’s G20 Agenda, despite the fact the activists who spearheaded campaigns for women’s rights are languishing in jail or…

November 19, 2020
Photo of Loujain al-Hathloul
Loujain al-Hathloul - Women’s rights activist and human rights defender is one of the most outspoken women human rights defenders in Saudi Arabia. She is well-known for her campaigning against the driving ban and the campaign to end the male guardianship system. In 2014, she was detained for 73 days after she attempted to drive into Saudi Arabia from the United Arab Emirates. Loujain al-Hathloul also went on to stand for election in Saudi Arabia in November 2015 – the first time women were allowed to both vote and stand in elections in the state. However, despite finally being recognized as a candidate, her name was never added to the ballot.

Press Release

Mass execution of 21 individuals in Iraq is an outrage

Responding to the execution on Monday of 21 individuals in Iraq, including individuals allegedly affiliated to the Islamic State (IS) and convicted of terror-related charges, Lynn Maalouf, Amnesty International’s Deputy…

November 17, 2020
SABAH ARAR/AFP via Getty Images

Press Release

The U.S. Must Not Deport People to Cameroon

Amnesty International USA calls upon the Trump administration to refrain from deporting people to Cameroon, as the administration schedules deportations this week from Alexandria Airport in Louisiana. The organization is…

October 9, 2020
Activists wearing masks stand in front of official with uniform labeled Homeland Security
Photo by OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP via Getty Images.