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Showing 601-612 of 1431 Results


Warren Hill Gets A Stay Of Execution

Hill was granted a stay today, not on those grounds, but on the grounds that the secrecy surrounding Georgia’s lethal injection drugs violates Hill’s constitutional rights.

July 15, 2013


Harmful Errors: Texas Approaches Its 500th Execution

Death row inmates today face a one-in-three chance of being executed without having the case properly investigated by a competent attorney and without having any claims of innocence or unfairness…

June 26, 2013


Texas’ 500th Execution Highlights Need for Change

On Wednesday, Kimberly McCarthy will be Texas’ 500th execution. The death penalty is emblematic of the many problems still prevalent, not only in the American justice system, but in society…

June 26, 2013


“There is So Much Homophobia Here”: Frank Mugisha, Uganda

This week, President Obama will visit two of the countries that outlaw homosexuality in Africa - Senegal and Tanzania - and Amnesty International is calling on the President to speak…

June 25, 2013
Stéphane Koche has been an LGBTI activist in Cameroon since 2005 (Photo Credit: Amnesty International).