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Showing 901-912 of 1431 Results


Troy Davis

The state of Georgia shamefully executed Troy Davis on September 21, 2011 despite serious doubts about his guilt. But our fight to abolish the death penalty lives on.


Days Of Solidarity With Troy Davis

A clemency hearing for Troy Davis is scheduled for Sept. 19. Join us in the coming crucial days for acts of solidarity to stop the execution of a possibly innocent…

September 8, 2011


Joan Baez, Amnesty and You

One of Amnesty International's founding members, Joan Baez, wants you to join her in standing up for human rights for all.

September 8, 2011


Don't Let Georgia Kill Troy Davis

Troy Davis is scheduled to be executed on Sept 21 even though he could very well be innocent. Here are 3 things you can do to help stop the execution.

September 7, 2011


Ohio Should Just Stop Killing People

Ohio, which could soon face yet another lethal injection drug shortage requiring yet another switch in drug protocols, should instead just stop killing people.

September 2, 2011


Rick Perry By The Numbers

Over the course of more than ten years, Texas Governor and now Presidential candidate Rick Perry has presided over 234 executions. More are scheduled.

August 18, 2011