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Showing 1093-1104 of 1431 Results


Iraq: Carnage and despair in Iraq

Five years after the US-led invasion of Iraq, the country is still in disarray. The human rights situation is disastrous, a...

March 26, 2011


Laying the Groundwork, Changing the World

The closing plenary of our 50th anniversary conference was packed with activists who were treated to a bit of organizational history by two Amnesty International veterans, Ellen Dorsey and Paul…

March 21, 2011


Annual Report: Niger 2010

Head of state Mamadou Tandja Head of government Ali Badjo Gamatié (replaced Seyni Oumarou in October) Death penalty abolitionist in practice Population 15.3million Life expectancy 50.8 years Under-5 mortality (m/f)…

March 19, 2011