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Showing 157-168 of 269 Results


World Water Day: Progress Made, Work Still to Do

While we've met the Millennium Development Goal for safe drinking water, 11% of the world still lacks access. Lack of access to clean drinking water is a rights violation.

March 21, 2012


US: Don’t Abandon Afghan Women

The U.S. is leaving Afghanistan, but it shouldn't turn its back on the rights of women in the process. We must urge the U.S. to keep its promises to Afghan…

March 8, 2012


Can A Toilet Save Your Life?

World Toilet Day may seem like to a joke to many, but for the 2.6 billion people worldwide without access to a toilet or safe drinking water, improved sanitation could…

November 9, 2011


Poverty is a Human Rights Issue

Despite progress, it's becoming increasingly clear that the world won't meet the Millennium Development Goal of reducing extreme poverty by 50% by 2015. Progress for women in particular lags far…

October 17, 2011