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Showing 61-72 of 269 Results


Give us respect and justice! Overcoming barriers to justice for women rape survivors in Denmark

Denmark’s reputation for gender equality masks a society with one of Europe’s highest levels of rape, where flawed legislation and widespread harmful myths and gender stereotypes have resulted in endemic impunity for rapists, Amnesty International…

March 4, 2019
TOPSHOT - A woman wears a scarf on her face with the inscription "Fight Patriarchy" during a demonstration called by the #Noustoutes movement, to denounce sexist and sexual violence against women on September 29, 2018 on the Place de la Republique in Paris. (Photo by Zakaria ABDELKAFI / AFP) (Photo credit should read ZAKARIA ABDELKAFI/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Guatemala: Discriminatory law puts at risk the lives and rights of thousands of women, girls and LGBTI people

Guatemala’s Congress must reject proposed law 5272, also known as the “Law for the Protection of Life and Family,” because it would violate the rights of thousands of women, girls…

September 5, 2018
Members of the LGBT community hold a protest outside of Guatemala Congress against the law 5272 that criminalizes LGBT community human rights and abortion -among others- in Guatemala City on September 4, 2018. (Photo by JOHAN ORDONEZ / AFP) (Photo credit should read JOHAN ORDONEZ/AFP/Getty Images)



Ryan Mace, Grassroots Advocacy & Refugee Specialist Today is World Refugee Day. Today is a day that we should pause to honor the millions of refugees who show us the…

June 20, 2018

Press Release

One Year After Trump Reinstated it, Global Gag Rule Must Go

One year after President Trump reinstated the “global gag rule,” which bars health care providers around the world from providing or counseling clients on abortions, human rights and women’s rights…

January 22, 2018


The Ginetta Sagan Award

The Award Recognizes outstanding achievement, often at great personal risk. Enhances the recipient’s ability to live and work freely, and protects the recipient’s capacity to continue her work, by bringing…


Gender & Sexuality Justice

What's the Problem? All people should be able to enjoy the full range of human rights, without exception.   However, every day, across the globe, people face discrimination and violence because…