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Showing 85-96 of 269 Results


50 Ways You Changed Lives in 2015

The list below is just a snapshot of some of the many success stories and bits of good news that you made happen in 2015. Thank you for all your…

December 30, 2015


Write for Rights: A Chance to Change Our World

People all around me began to realize the power of the pen. These students, just like me, were now attached to these cases at a personal level. They were not…

December 15, 2015


Girls Should be Students, not Brides

Globally, at least 25,000 children are married every day. 1 in 9 marry before the age of 15. Although the prevalence of child marriage worldwide has received more coverage in…

December 7, 2015


How Toilets Can Make Schools Safer

Safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, collectively known as WASH, aren’t usually the first thing that comes to mind for women’s rights advocates and activists, least of all during 16 Days…

December 4, 2015


When Educating Girls Means Putting Your Life on the Line

[caption id="attachment_66081" align="aligncenter" width="624"] Fawzia Nawabi, investigator at the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, Mazar-e-Sharif, gathers information in a local women's prison.[/caption] By Elsie De Laere, Afghanistan country specialist In Afghanistan,…

November 30, 2015


How to Access a Safe Education as a Girl-Child of War

According to a recent joint report by UNICEF and UNESCO, one-half (nearly 30 million) of the world’s out-of-school children are those from war torn nations—and most are girls.

November 28, 2015