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Showing 133-144 of 504 Results


6 Critical Human Rights Concerns Obama Should Address Tonight

[caption id="attachment_68056" align="aligncenter" width="2000"] Photo by Saul Loeb-Pool/Getty Images[/caption] Once more, President Obama will address the nation before the full Congress. Once more, he will lay out his plans for…

January 12, 2016


Guantanamo’s Poetry: 14 Years Too Many

Can you imagine needing to write? What if you needed to write so badly that’d you use toothpaste instead of a pen, a Styrofoam cup instead of paper, if that’s…

January 9, 2016

Press Release

President Obama’s Last Chance to Close Guantánamo

Today, the Guantánamo Bay detention site entered its 15th year in operation with 104 prisoners remaining behind its walls. In response, Naureen Shah, director of Amnesty International USA's Security and…

January 8, 2016

Press Release

First of 17 Detainees Transferred from Guantánamo

Last month, U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved the transfer of 17 detainees from the Guantánamo detention site. Today, Khalid al Dhuby and Mahmoud Omar Bin Atef became the…

January 6, 2016


50 Ways You Changed Lives in 2015

The list below is just a snapshot of some of the many success stories and bits of good news that you made happen in 2015. Thank you for all your…

December 30, 2015

Press Release

President Obama Must End Indefinite Detention, not Relocate It

During his year-end press conference today, President Obama referred to an 'irreducible population’ at Guantánamo and referenced his forthcoming plan to close the detention facility, which reportedly calls for some…

December 18, 2015

Press Release

17 Guantánamo Detainees Reportedly Approved for Transfer

The New York Times reported on Wednesday evening that U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter recently notified Congress that he has approved the transfer of 17 Guantánamo Bay detainees. In…

December 17, 2015


The Beauty and Ugliness of Guantanamo

Stranger still is being here at Guantanamo as the U.S. reels from attacks in San Bernardino and Paris – attacks that pundits are using to whip the country into a…

December 8, 2015


Mustafa al-Hawsawi

Mustafa al-Hawsawi was captured in Pakistan by Pakistani agents in March 2003 and was transferred to the custody of the United States. He was held in secret CIA black sites…