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Showing 397-408 of 504 Results


Online Panel With Former Guantanamo Detainee Omar Degahayes

Go to at 7:30PM Pacific time on Wednesday, January 26th to watch a live panel discussion with former Guantanamo detainee Omar Deghayes, Candace Gorman, whose work has included representing…

January 25, 2011


Kangaroos Storm DC to Close Guantanamo!

[caption id="attachment_16744" align="alignleft" width="454" caption="The kangaroo photos are further down!"][/caption] On January 11th, over 200 activists marched from the White House to the Department of Justice to mark the 9th anniversary…

January 12, 2011


Join the Close Guantanamo March in DC on Jan 11

Join us in Washington DC on January 11th for a  march to close Guantanamo! We'll gather at the White House at 11AM for some short speeches and then march to the…

January 5, 2011


Funding Bill Threatens Fair Trials for Detainees

The Senate is about to vote on an omnibus spending bill which includes a provision that would represent a major setback to the fight for human rights at Guantanamo.

December 15, 2010


A Moral Quagmire

The British government announced that it had reached a settlement to pay compensation to sixteen former Guantanamo detainees for the abuses they suffered in US custody.

November 18, 2010


Old School Justice

Don’t be fooled by the mock outrage. The system worked. A real trial took place in lower Manhattan and Ahmed Ghailani was rightly convicted of his role in the horrific…

November 18, 2010


Another Presidential Flip-flop

The Obama administration is apparently considering holding Khalid Sheik Mohammed and other GTMO detainees indefinitely as Prisoners of War. Far from closing GTMO, the new Obama plan seems to be…

November 15, 2010


Try KSM in a Kangaroo Court at GTMO? Fuhgeddaboudit.

  In this new video, New Yorkers for 9/11 Justice are urging President Obama to do the right thing and prosecute Khalid Shiekh Mohammed and the other four 9/11 suspects in U.S. federal…

November 11, 2010


Try KSM in a Kangaroo Court at GTMO? Fuhgeddaboudit.

  In this new video, New Yorkers for 9/11 Justice are urging President Obama to do the right thing and prosecute Khalid Shiekh Mohammed and the other four 9/11 suspects in U.S. federal…

November 11, 2010


A Week in Politics

As the dust settles on the midterm election we thought it might be useful to take a moment to assess what implications the results have for the Counter Terror with…

November 8, 2010