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Showing 421-432 of 504 Results


Time Running Out for Omar Khadr

After enduring eight years of torture and abuse as a child at Guantanamo, Omar Khadr is slated to face an unfair trial held by Guantanamo's military commissions - a system…

August 3, 2010


Finally Home from GTMO

Good news: the US Department of Defense announced yesterday that Mohammed al-Odaini has been transferred home to Yemen. He had been held at Guantanamo without charge for over eight years--since…

July 14, 2010


The Cancer of Democracy

Though some describe the Obama administration as the anti-torture presidency, much of Obama's actions have not lived up to his campaign promises or presidential rhetoric to stop the use of…

June 29, 2010


Remembering Kalpana Chakma

It was about 14 years ago that a 20-year old indigenous rights activist Kalpana Chakma disappeared and is presumably dead.  We know that she was kidnapped along with two of…

June 29, 2010


GOOD NEWS on June 26! Odaini Going Home from GTMO

We have great news to share today on June 26, the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture: Mohammed al-Odaini will be released from Guantanamo back to his home…

June 26, 2010


Cleared for Release for Years But Still Detained

Mohammed Mohammed Hassan al-Odaini is a 24-year-old Yemeni national held in Guantanamo for more than 8 years, despite the fact that he was cleared for release over 4 years ago.…

June 24, 2010


Former US Military Interrogator: Release al-Odaini from Gitmo

Mohammed Mohammed Hassan al-Odaini remains detained in Guantanamo despite being cleared for release. Matthew Alexander, former U.S. senior military interrogator, argues that holding Odaini is, in fact, making America less…

June 21, 2010


What Does Guantanamo Cost Us?

According to a recent Washington Post article, since 2001, the Pentagon has spent at least 500 million in renovating Guantanamo, in addition to approximately 150 million a year in operational…

June 14, 2010


Torture Awareness Month

Speaking in Grand Rapids, Michigan, last Wednesday former President George W. Bush appeared to take personal responsibility for the decision to waterboard Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: “Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh…

June 4, 2010


Congressman Jack Bauer

You would be forgiven for thinking that Jack Bauer was actually running in the fall elections, as his name is being continually invoked on the campaign trial. The Daily Beast…

May 28, 2010


Stop Press

The pretrial hearings in the Omar Khadr case ended last week on two particularly sour notes. First, in a profound blow to the credibility of the Military Commissions process the…

May 8, 2010