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Showing 433-444 of 504 Results


Indecent Haste

Tom Parker is currently at Guantánamo to observe the military commissions proceedings against detainee Omar Khadr.  This is his second post. Another theme has emerged at the pre-trial military commission…

May 6, 2010


Non-Traditional Interrogation

Tom Parker is currently at Guantánamo to observe the military commissions proceedings against detainee Omar Khadr.  This is his first post from the ground. The military commissions currently being revived…

May 5, 2010


Omar Khadr pre-trial hearings: It is underway

By Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada.  Neve is currently at Guantánamo to observe the military commissions proceedings against detainee Omar Khadr. This is his third in a…

April 29, 2010


USA: We find the defendant NOT guilty. Now lock him up!

Is this America or the Twilight Zone? According to Amnesty International’s new report, President Obama’s new rules for military commissions at Guantanamo allow for a defendant who is found NOT…

April 29, 2010


Observing the Trial of Omar Khadr

Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada and Gitmo researcher is on the ground and reporting live on the Omar Khadr trial at Guantánamo Bay

April 29, 2010


No Security Without Human Rights

By Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada.  Neve is currently at Guantánamo to observe the military commissions proceedings against detainee Omar Khadr. I’ve arrived at Guantánamo Bay and…

April 27, 2010


Musician Tom Morello wants to thank you!

Our 10,000 Against Torture campaign is now over. You've helped us achieve extraordinary results, with 90,000 actions to stop illegal detention and ensure accountability for torture - including mailing 283…

March 31, 2010


How Attacks on DOJ Attorneys Affect You

You might wonder why a person who works on refugee and migrants' rights is blogging about the attack on Department of Justice attorneys who previously represented Guantanamo detainees. In fact…

March 9, 2010


The Cancer of Democracy

The take-no-prisoners approach to counterinsurgency adopted by the Sri Lankan government in 2009 was hailed in many corners as evidence that letting the military off the leash was more effective…

March 3, 2010


Book Him Danno

Last week Attorney-General Eric Holder wrote to Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell about the circumstances surrounding the arrest of underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on Christmas Day 2009. A plainly…

February 8, 2010


Death at Camp Delta

On the evening of June 9, 2006, three inmates of the Guantanamo detention facility known as Camp Delta, Salah Ahmed al-Salami, Mani Shaman al-Utaybi and Yasser Tala al-Zahrani, were found…

January 27, 2010