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Showing 445-456 of 504 Results


Relief funds help Guantanamo Uighur move forward

Corrected 2/4/10 An attorney with Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel contacted me two months ago to ask for my assistance on behalf of one of her firm's Uighur clients who…

January 26, 2010


We're Going to #CloseGitmo!

Another January 11th  Guantanamo  anniversary has come and gone, and still 198 men are detained at the facility (and hundreds more at Bagram). Over the last year there has been some…

January 21, 2010


Getting used to a new Gitmo zip code

(Originally posted on Jurist) The Obama administration's announcement that it intends to move "War on Terror" detainees not cleared for release to the Thomson Correctional Facility changes very little beyond…

December 17, 2009


Modern Warfare 2

The New York Times reported this morning that in the past two years the US military has killed more than 400 militants in 80 drone strikes for the loss of…

December 4, 2009


Write-a-thon Series: Mohammed Mohammed Hassan Odaini

This posting is part of our Write-a-Thon Cases Series. For more information visit [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Mohammed Mohammed Hassan Odaini © Private"][/caption] Despite having been cleared for release more…

November 17, 2009


Senator Graham: Let’s Hear it for New York

Dear Senator Graham, Sometime tomorrow, Thursday, likely before noon, the Senate will probably vote on the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2010 and on…

November 5, 2009


Extraordinary Rendition After Milan: What Now?

For all the talk about moving forward, the extent of the illegal American practices, particularly involving rendition and torture, has still not been publicly disclosed. If the Obama Administration doesn’t…

November 4, 2009


What Goes Around Comes Around

[caption id="attachment_5757" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Our ad in the Farragut West Metro Station, Washington DC"][/caption] Last month I had the opportunity to meet with Tamil human rights defenders working to protect…

October 14, 2009


An Enduring Double Standard

Earlier this month a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Attorney General John Ashcroft had violated the rights of U.S. citizens in the wake…

October 1, 2009


A Tale of Two Taliban

(Originally posted on Daily Kos) In the last month, a spotlight has fallen on two sharply different terrorism cases that illuminate the best and worse of America's efforts to defeat…

August 4, 2009


Detainees Protest at Bagram

[caption id="attachment_2957" align="alignnone" width="480" caption="US air base in Bagram, Afghanistan. (c) Digital Globe 2009. Screenshot taken from Google Earth"][/caption] Detainees held in the U.S. military detention center at Bagram Air Base…

July 16, 2009