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Showing 457-468 of 504 Results


What's A Uighur?

Corrected 2/4/10 This question was part of the opening remarks in a talk given several years ago by one of the attorneys representing the Uighurs at Guantanamo. We didn't know…

July 9, 2009


Obama Embracing Bush Legacy

The Obama administration is reportedly close to finalizing the outlines of a new preventative detention regime likely to be crafted along the lines proposed by Matthew Waxman in a paper…

July 1, 2009


Call Obama on Torture Day

Today, June 26, is the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. In establishing the day in 1998, then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan wrote, "Today the United Nations appeals…

June 26, 2009


U.S. Obligation to Freed Gitmo Detainees

(Originally posted on Daily Kos) Four Uighur former Guantanamo inmates are now in Bermuda, other detainees have been released to France, Chad, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Hungary, Italy and Palau…

June 19, 2009


Obama Must Prosecute Bush-Era Torture Enablers

(Originally posted on the Christian Science Monitor) With Dick Cheney and the infamous torture memos making headlines, President Obama and our nation face a choice.  Should they prosecute or protect…

June 15, 2009


Whatever happened to American leadership?

[caption id="attachment_2327" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="(c) US DoD"][/caption] Yesterday the Council of the European Union, made up of ministers from all 27 EU countries, agreed to allow former Guantanamo inmates cleared…

June 5, 2009


A Common-Sense Approach to Torture

President Obama again displayed in his speech today on national security that he is an exceptionally gifted and thoughtful politician who cares about the rule of law.  Indeed, there is…

May 22, 2009


President Obama Needs to Turn Words Into Action

Today President Obama said the right words about returning to the rule of law and reclaiming America’s moral authority.  Now he needs to ensure his actions reflect American values and…

May 21, 2009


The Hits Keep Coming from Obama

(As originally posted on Daily Kos) And the hits just keep coming. Despite its pledge to reintroduce greater transparency to government the Obama administration reversed itself again this week, announcing…

May 15, 2009


Military Commissions Redux

(As originally posted on Daily Kos) 100 days have come and gone with all the accompanying media hoopla but it increasingly seems like President Obama’s first 24 hours represented the…

May 6, 2009


Obama's Mixed Messages on Torture & Abuse

The President on counterterrorism policy, after 100 days in office: No more torture, or loopholes galore? Important symbolic steps, or stalling tactics? Heading in the right direction, or Barack "Dubya" Obama? Pundits are coming…

April 30, 2009