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Showing 481-492 of 504 Results


Momentum on accountability issues continues to build

It has been a busy week with developments on multiple fronts concerning the abuse of detainees held in the War on Terror. Senator Patrick Leahy (Democrat, Vermont) has announced that the…

February 27, 2009


Vigilance Alone is Not Enough

The big news today is the announcement from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (Democrat, Vermont) that his committee plans to hold a hearing in the near future to consider…

February 26, 2009


One Man's Story

“I am not asking to be taken at my word and to be released, although I very much want to go home to my family. All I am asking for…

February 19, 2009


Business as Usual?

The past week has seen some alarming news stories (and bloggers trying to figure out how alarming) suggesting that the Obama administration may be backing away from commitments made on…

February 12, 2009


What's AI's Take on Obama's Exec Orders?

Weekend reading: Amnesty International's detailed analysis of President Obama's executive orders on Guantanamo, detentions and interrogations.  Here's a taste: Accountability and remedy The new administration and Congress should take the…

January 30, 2009


Watch "Getting Out of Gitmo" Tonight on PBS

Tonight (January 27) at 9pm ET PBS will premiere the new Frontline segment "Getting Out of Gitmo," about the 17 Uighurs illegally detained at Guantanamo.  Check out the trailer here.…

January 27, 2009


Exec Orders – Did you see the part about contractors?

One positive piece of President Obama’s much heralded executive orders that seems to be overlooked in all the excitement is the unambiguous statement that contractor abuses fall within the scope…

January 24, 2009


Call To Action, Obama's Orders

The Counter Terror With Justice campaign and Amnesty International volunteers were on the National Mall yesterday, gathering 100 Days petition signatures before the inauguration and wearing orange and holding signs on the…

January 21, 2009


Obama to Close Gitmo

Barack Obama has announced that he will close Guantanamo. Throughout the world, this announcement will be understood as an introduction to a new kind of American leadership, a repudiation of…

January 13, 2009


It's Not Complicated

Again and again we're told that closing Guantanamo is "complicated." I don't see what's complicated about it. Flying a chunk of metal with people in it to the moon? That's…

January 13, 2009