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Showing 493-504 of 504 Results


Seven Years Later: Our Power, Our Responsibility

This week we mark the 7th anniversary of the day the U.S. government first began warehousing “enemy combatants,” terrorism suspects and hapless wrong-place-wrong-time detainees at Guantánamo.  Since then, hundreds of…

January 12, 2009


They Can’t Get Away With It…

So it ain’t breaking news that the Bush administration concocted a legal flip-flam to justify the kidnapping, capture, detention and torture of hundreds of people from around the world, under…

January 7, 2009


Reports that have lost their meaning

As we enter the new year the U.S. State Department is finishing the touches on its annual human rights report. When I took over as Egypt country specialist for Amnesty…

January 7, 2009


Our Top 10 Wins of 2008

Thank you Amnesty International activists for all of your important work this year! Your activism has led to some major advances in human rights in our battles against torture, violence…

December 19, 2008


Human Rights Made Whole

Yesterday, the U.N. General Assembly marked Human Rights Day by unanimously adopting the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (OP-ICESCR). This historic step fills in…

December 12, 2008


Time to Start Writing, Stamping, and Sending!

Today is the first official day of Amnesty International's 2008 Global Write-a-thon! Over the next week and a half, thousands of people around the world will be writing letters on…

December 5, 2008


You're Free to Go Now…Just Kidding!

Can someone please explain this to me? How is it OK to arrest someone, send them to Guantánamo, keep them there a couple years, clear them for release, and then…

November 20, 2008


3 Steps for President Obama

[caption id="attachment_158" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="© AP Graphics Bank"][/caption] Please be sure to take our new "100 Days Action," urging President-elect Obama to take three essential steps in the first 100 days…

November 11, 2008


There Is No Justification In Keeping Gitmo Open

Below is my reply on the Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Piece of Nov. 4, 2008: Guantanamo Revelation. I served in the military for 14 years, including three deployments to the Middle East.…

November 6, 2008


Get Ready to Close Gitmo and Stop Torture

[caption id="attachment_37" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="President Bush signs the Military Commissions Act, October 17, 2006."][/caption] As soon as the next president of the United States is elected, we'll go live with…

October 29, 2008