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Showing 1429-1440 of 1443 Results


One in Three

Native American and Alaska Native women face a 1 in 3 chance of being raped in their lifetime. The numbers are shocking. In our report, Maze of Injustice, Amnesty uncovered…

March 12, 2009


The Difference Between Justice and Impunity is Action

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Amnesty International and other activists rally outside the Mexican Consulate in Chicago on March 6, 2006."][/caption] I just got back from an amazing week in Chicago,…

March 9, 2009


A step towards justice for Darfur?

The ICC's pre-trial chamber has issued an arrest warrant for Omar al-Bashir, the head of state of Sudan. Already, the government in Khartoum has rejected the court's decision. The government of…

March 4, 2009


Business as Usual?

The past week has seen some alarming news stories (and bloggers trying to figure out how alarming) suggesting that the Obama administration may be backing away from commitments made on…

February 12, 2009


Sri Lanka: Suicide Bombers and Impunity

The opposition Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka are well-known for their use of suicide bombers, especially female bombers. So I wasn’t shocked to hear on the radio yesterday the words…

February 11, 2009


Reports that have lost their meaning

As we enter the new year the U.S. State Department is finishing the touches on its annual human rights report. When I took over as Egypt country specialist for Amnesty…

January 7, 2009


New Prez, How to End Impunity for Military Contractors

This week, Human Rights First (HRF) issued a report, "How to End Impunity for Private Security and Other Contractors: Blueprint for the Next Administration". The report helpfully encapsulates many of…

November 21, 2008


Battling Impunity in Guatemala

[caption id="attachment_139" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Member of staff at the FAFG studying human remains in order to identify them, 12 June 2008. © Private"][/caption] Excavating human remains, using forensic techniques to…

November 11, 2008