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Showing 661-672 of 1443 Results


Annual Report: Zimbabwe 2013

Republic of Zimbabwe Head of state and government Robert Mugabe Mistrust between members of the Government of National Unity (GNU) continued to delay crucial reforms agreed under the 2008 Global…

May 30, 2013


Annual Report: Syria 2013

Syrian Arab Republic Head of state Bashar al-Assad Head of government Wa’el al-Halqi (replaced Omar Ibrahim Ghalawangi) The internal armed conflict between government forces and the opposition, composed of the…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Tajikistan 2013

Republic of Tajikistan Head of state Emomali Rahmon Head of government Ogil Ogilov Torture and other ill-treatment remained widespread and impunity for perpetrators continued. There was no access to detention…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Thailand 2013

Kingdom of Thailand Head of state King Bhumibol Adulyadej Head of government Yingluck Shinawatra The armed conflict continued in the South as insurgents targeted civilians in violent attacks, while security…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Timor-Leste 2013

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF TIMOR-LESTE Head of state José Maria Vasconcelos (replaced José Ramos-Horta) Head of government Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão Impunity persisted for crimes against humanity and gross human rights…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Togo 2013

TOGOLESE REPUBLIC Head of state Faure Gnassingbé Head of government Kwesi Ahoomey-Zunu (replaced Gilbert Houngbo) Demonstrations by political parties and students were dispersed by security forces using excessive force. Torture…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Turkey 2013

Republic of Turkey Head of state Abdullah Gül Head of government Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan Freedom of expression remained restricted despite limited legislative reforms. The police used excessive force to break…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Turkmenistan 2013

TURKMENISTAN Head of state and government Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov A law on political parties was passed allowing for formal political opposition. However, opposition figures, journalists and human rights defenders continued to…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Uganda 2013

REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Head of state and government Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Restrictions on freedoms of expression and association continued. LGBTI people continued to face harassment. Police and other law enforcement…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Ukraine 2013

Ukraine Head of state Viktor Yanukovich Head of government Mykola Azarov Torture and other ill-treatment remained widespread, and impunity for such acts continued. Failings in the criminal justice system led…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: United States of America 2013

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Head of state and government Barack H. Obama Forty-three men were executed during the year, and concerns about cruel prison conditions continued. Scores of detainees remained…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Uruguay 2013

Eastern Republic of Uruguay Head of state and government José Alberto Mujica Cordano Steps were taken to end impunity for crimes committed during the civil and military rule (1973-1985), including…

May 29, 2013