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Showing 721-732 of 1443 Results


Annual Report: Colombia 2013

Republic of Colombia Head of state and government Juan Manuel Santos Calderón Formal peace talks between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) began in Norway in…

May 17, 2013


Annual Report: Côte D’Ivoire 2013

REPUBLIC OF CÔTE D’IVOIRE Head of state Alassane Ouattara Head of government Daniel Kablan Duncan (replaced Jeannot Ahoussou-Kouadio) Throughout the year people were arbitrarily detained and tortured against a backdrop…

May 17, 2013


Annual Report: Croatia 2013

REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Head of state Ivo Josipović Head of government Zoran Milanović Despite some progress in prosecuting crimes under international law committed during the 1991-1995 war, the measures taken…

May 17, 2013


Annual Report: Democratic Republic of Congo 2013

Democratic Republic of the Congo Head of state Joseph Kabila Head of government Augustin Matata Ponyo Mapon The already precarious security situation in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)…

May 17, 2013


Annual Report: Dominican Republic 2013

Dominican Republic Head of state and government Danilo Medina Sánchez The number of unlawful killings by police remained high. People of Haitian descent continued to be denied identity documents. Violence…

May 17, 2013


Annual Report: Egypt 2013

Arab Republic of Egypt Head of state Mohamed Morsi (replaced Hosni Mubarak) Head of government Hisham Qandeel (replaced Kamal Ganzouri) Protests against military rule resulted in the killing of at…

May 17, 2013


Annual Report: Bolivia 2013

Head of state and government Evo Morales Ayma Indigenous Peoples’ rights to consultation and to free, prior and informed consent over developments affecting them remained unfulfilled. Victims of human rights…

May 16, 2013


Annual Report: Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013

Bosnia and Herzegovina Head of state – rotating presidency – Željko Komšić, Nebojša Radmanović, Bakir Izetbegović Head of government Vjekoslav Bevanda (replaced Nikola Špirić) Nationalist rhetoric by main political parties…

May 16, 2013


Annual Report: Brazil 2013

Federative Republic of Brazil Head of state and government Dilma Rousseff Levels of violent crime remained high. The authorities frequently responded with excessive force and torture. Young black men continued…

May 16, 2013


Annual Report: Burkina Faso 2013

BURKINA FASO Head of state Blaise Compaoré Head of government Luc Adolphe Tiao Demonstrations and clashes took place in the months before the December legislative and municipal elections against a…

May 16, 2013


Annual Report: Burundi 2013

Republic of Burundi Head of state and government Pierre Nkurunziza The cycle of impunity remained unbroken and the government did not fully investigate and prosecute extrajudicial executions from previous years.…

May 16, 2013


Annual Report: Cambodia 2013

Kingdom of Cambodia Head of state King Norodom Sihamoni Head of government Hun Sen Respect for freedom of expression, association and assembly deteriorated. The authorities increasingly used excessive force against…

May 16, 2013