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Showing 889-900 of 1443 Results


#Kony2012 and the Warping Logic of Atrocity

Kony is but one fugitive from justice among many, operating in a region faced with systemic human rights challenges requiring effective and transformative policy overhauls.

March 9, 2012


US: Don’t Abandon Afghan Women

The U.S. is leaving Afghanistan, but it shouldn't turn its back on the rights of women in the process. We must urge the U.S. to keep its promises to Afghan…

March 8, 2012


Haiti: A Safe Haven for "Baby Doc" Duvalier…Really?

Haiti has dropped the case against former leader Jean-Claude Duvalier, despite evidence of his involvement in torture, disappearances, and killings. Will "Baby Doc" really get away with murder?

February 2, 2012


Guantanamo: Reopening Under New Management

As Guantanamo approaches its 10th anniversary, the US continues to go in the wrong direction. Most recently, signing indefinite detention into law and planning first new arrivals to Gitmo in…

January 5, 2012

Press Release

Sri Lanka Report Falls Short, Says Amnesty International

The final report of Sri Lanka's Lesson Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), released publicly today, acknowledges serious human rights problems in Sri Lanka but falls short of fully addressing the…

December 19, 2011