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Showing 925-936 of 1443 Results


Another Indigenous Activist Freed in India!

On September 30, the Indian Supreme Court ordered that indigenous (adivasi) human rights activist Kopa Kunjam be released. Mr. Kunjam had been in jail since December of 2009 for his…

October 7, 2011


Lithuania: Re-open secret prison investigation now

The Lithuanian government has admitted its involvement in the US-led rendition and secret detention programmes. An investigation opened into two secret CIA detention sites that had already been acknowledged was…

September 29, 2011


Thailand: Insurgents must stop war crimes against civilians

Thailand’s three southern-most provinces are host to a non-international armed conflict, based on the intensity and duration of hostilities there, as well as the existence of organized groups of insurgents.…

September 26, 2011


Colombian authorities fail survivors of sexual violence

Sexual violence is endemic to Colombia's long-running armed conflict. Members of all the warring parties have sexually abused and exploited women and girls. This document focuses on the deeply-entrenched impunity…

September 20, 2011