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Showing 421-432 of 688 Results


Far From New, Far From Over: The Crisis in Mali

The notion that Mali faces crisis is not new. For the better part of a year, Amnesty International has been documenting and reporting the long catalogue of abuses and outright…

January 16, 2013


10 Absurd and Unjust Arrests of 2012

You might be surprised to learn what can get you thrown in jail in a few places around the world, and how harsh the sentences are once you’re there. Every…

December 26, 2012


Egypt in Crisis, U.S. Must Act for Human Rights

Two years after the resignation of President Mubarak, here we are once again with protesters back in the Egyptian streets, facing army tanks and tear gas and this time with…

December 7, 2012


Why We Write #4Rights

We officially kick-off Write #4Rights, our annual Global Write-a-thon. This is the time of year we ask you, our supporters, to build upon Amnesty's now 51-year tradition and incredible history…

December 5, 2012


If They Are Not Guilty, Who Committed the War Crimes?

The acquittal yesterday of three high-ranking members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) after a retrial on war crimes charges…

November 30, 2012

Press Release

Justice Must Be Served for Victims of Kosovo Civil War

The acquittal of three high-ranking members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) after a retrial on war crimes charges has…

November 29, 2012