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Showing 469-480 of 688 Results


Families Imprisoned in Secret Camps

This Thanksgiving, take a moment out of your family time to take action for the thousands of families held in North Korean prison camps.

November 23, 2011


Great News! Eviction of Roman halted (UA 259/11)

Following protests by human rights organizations and foreign embassies the planned forced eviction of Roma from Baia Mare, Romania on 5 September appears to have been put on hold.

October 18, 2011


Lithuania: Re-open secret prison investigation now

The Lithuanian government has admitted its involvement in the US-led rendition and secret detention programmes. An investigation opened into two secret CIA detention sites that had already been acknowledged was…

September 29, 2011


Big Win For Indigenous Rights In Peru

New Peruvian law requires government to consult with indigenous peoples before companies can begin projects like digging for oil on their lands.

September 16, 2011