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Showing 613-624 of 687 Results



Amnesty International works to stop Nicaragua human rights violations. Nicaragua human rights abuses can end with your support.


Workers Have A Right To Organize

Amnesty International USA is concerned by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s proposal to limit collective bargaining for most public employees to wages. Under international law, all workers have a right to…

February 19, 2011


Fate of Dr. Binayak Sen Will Show Real India

On Wednesday, the high court in this central Indian state of Chhattisgarh will resume hearing on the appeal filed by the acclaimed Indian human rights activist Dr. Binayak Sen. Dr.…

February 7, 2011


Egyptian Protests Day 3: Next Steps

Amid the third day of protests in Egypt, casualties and detentions are increasing: Today the brunt seems to be in the Suez region where Twitter reports indicate live ammo is…

January 27, 2011


Good News: Qusay Case Resolved in Iraq

I'm happy to share good news today: Qusay 'Abdel-Razaq Zabib, a former police officer detained without charge in Iraq for over two years, has been released. His case was detailed…

January 7, 2011


Freedom to Believe

We want to share this powerful message former prisoner of conscience Bu Dongwei shared with Amnesty members earlier today. Dear Amnesty Supporter, Are you celebrating a holiday this December? Gathering…

December 22, 2010


Liu Xiaobo: Living in Truth and Paying the Price

The Nobel Committee's decision to award this year's Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo is undoubtedly a tribute to the memory of the 1989 pro-democracy movement that the Chinese government has…

December 10, 2010


Sexual Violence Against Girls in Nicaragua Widespread

A new report released by Amnesty International shows the widespread sexual violence against girls in Nicaragua. More than two thirds of all rapes reported between 1998 and 2008 were committed…

December 2, 2010