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Showing 625-636 of 687 Results


Our Work in Myanmar Isn’t Done Yet!

This post is part of our Write for Rights series. Labor activist Su Su Nway was arrested for putting up an anti-government banner near the hotel in Yangon, Myanmar’s biggest…

November 29, 2010


A Moral Quagmire

The British government announced that it had reached a settlement to pay compensation to sixteen former Guantanamo detainees for the abuses they suffered in US custody.

November 18, 2010


Chinese Woman Sentenced to Year in Labor Camp Over Tweet

We're appalled that the Chinese authorities sentenced a woman to a year in a labor camp for retweeting a supposedly anti-Japanese message.  They must release her immediately. Chinese online activist…

November 17, 2010


Indonesia Must Block Virginity Tests for School Girls

As reports surfaced of Indonesian high schools forcing their female students to take pregnancy and virginity tests, we’re getting concerned about the effect this will have on women’s rights throughout…

November 15, 2010


Fighting Crime Without the Death Penalty

“Bizarre.” This was the answer given by Former Detective Superintendent Bob Denmark of Lancashire, England when asked what people in the UK thought about the execution of Teresa Lewis. “[People] are…

October 14, 2010


Contemporary Slavery in Brazil a Sad Reality

After responding to an anonymous claim filed last August, the Federal Police identified 14 individuals held as slaves at a farm in Brazil’s western state of Mato Grosso do Sul.…

September 26, 2010