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Showing 637-648 of 687 Results


Story of Two Women: Two Death Sentences in Iran

This past week Amnesty International and other human rights organizations have been highlighting the plight of two women sentenced to death in Iran. Both of them have suffered incredible injustices,…

July 9, 2010


Combat Exploitative Child Labor with Human Rights

On June 8, 2010, I attended the "Working Together to Combat Child Labor" conference in Washington, DC.  The meeting was organized by the US Departments of State and Labor to convene high-level U.S.…

June 28, 2010


Tissa is finally free!

The Sri Lankan journalist J.S. Tissainayagam (often referred to as "Tissa") is finally free!  As I wrote on this site earlier, Tissa had been sentenced last year to 20 years' hard labor,…

June 20, 2010


Free Our Midwives!

[caption id="attachment_10218" align="alignleft" width="242" caption="Older daughter Mirabelle holding Jadzia just minutes after a home birth. "][/caption] Normally I write on this blog about human rights issues in South Asia.  But,…

June 16, 2010


Tissa's pardon – we're still waiting

On May 4, I wrote on this site about the Sri Lankan government's announced pardon of the journalist J.S. Tissainayagam (often referred to as "Tissa"), who'd been unjustly convicted and…

June 10, 2010


Congressman Jack Bauer

You would be forgiven for thinking that Jack Bauer was actually running in the fall elections, as his name is being continually invoked on the campaign trial. The Daily Beast…

May 28, 2010


Sad Loss of a Women's Human Rights Pioneer

[caption id="attachment_9530" align="alignleft" width="110" caption="Rhonda Copelon, American University"][/caption] I recently heard the sad news that Professor Rhonda Copelon died on May 6th 2010.  Professor Copelon's work was critical to defining…

May 11, 2010


Demand Clean Air and Water for Iraq

Iraq’s historic and cultural treasures have been looted, its infrastructure destroyed, and Iraqis continue to face violence, persecution and harassment. Yet one area of damage that has been discussed very…

May 8, 2010


Desi Spotlight Series: Drishtipat

This posting is part of our Desi Spotlight Series. It's time for another in my very irregular series featuring the amazing work of South Asians in the United States working…

May 7, 2010