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Showing 181-192 of 345 Results


Loud and Clear: Women’s Rights, In Action!

Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda, the General Secretary of the World YWCA, reflects on what it takes for women to claim their own human rights and participate in their homes, communities and governments.

June 23, 2013


Annual Report: Viet Nam 2013

Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Head of state Truong Tan Sang Head of government Nguyen Tan Dung Repression of government critics and activists worsened, with severe restrictions on freedom of…

May 30, 2013


Annual Report: Yemen 2013

Republic of Yemen Head of state Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi (replaced Ali Abdullah Saleh) Head of government Mohammed Salim Basindwa The human rights situation improved during the transition that followed…

May 30, 2013


Annual Report: Switzerland 2013

SWISS CONFEDERATION Head of state and government Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf Restrictive measures on access to asylum were adopted. Measures to limit the use of force during deportation were introduced. Police and…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Netherlands 2013

KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS Head of state Queen Beatrix Head of government Mark Rutte The newly elected coalition government proposed criminalizing unlawful residency and instituting a partial ban on the…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: New Zealand 2013

New Zealand Head of state Queen Elizabeth II, represented by Head of government John Key The rights of asylum-seekers were at risk of being undermined by a new bill. Levels…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: Nigeria 2013

Federal Republic of Nigeria Head of state and government Goodluck Jonathan The situation of violence and insecurity for Nigerians intensified, with at least 1,000 people killed in attacks by Islamist…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: Saudi Arabia 2013

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Head of state and government King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz The authorities severely restricted freedoms of expression, association and assembly and clamped down on dissent. Government…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: Sierra Leone 2013

Republic of Sierra Leone Head of state and government Ernest Bai Koroma The former President of Liberia, Charles Taylor, was convicted and sentenced for crimes committed in Sierra Leone during…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: Spain 2013

KINGDOM OF SPAIN Head of state King Juan Carlos I de Borbón Head of government Mariano Rajoy There were continued reports of excessive use of force by police during demonstrations.…

May 23, 2013