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Showing 205-216 of 345 Results


It’s Your Body: Know Your Rights!

Because of discrimination, violence against women, less access to education, and an intersection of additional human right abuses, women and girls are disproportionately affected when sexual and reproductive rights are…

March 8, 2013


To My Valentine: Death Will Not Part Us

When the uprising in Syria began and the situation deteriorated into armed conflict Ghassan’s attention turned to providing support and aid to Syrians and Palestinians displaced from the nearby areas…

February 14, 2013


7 Ways for Obama to REALLY Earn that Nobel Peace Prize

At the local level, Americans are demonstrating a strong commitment to advancing human rights. In recent elections, voters legalized marriage equality in nine states and passed the DREAM Act to…

January 18, 2013


Afghan Women Spoke and Congress Listened

The U.S. Senate took a critical step to prioritize security needs of Afghan women and girls! If enacted, the Afghan Women and Girls Security Promotion Act of 2012 would require…

November 29, 2012


A Heartfelt Thanks

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, we wanted to pause and give thanks to our members and supporters for helping to make freedom and justice possible for countless people in 2012.

November 21, 2012