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Showing 325-336 of 345 Results



Amnesty International works to stop Chile human rights violations. Chile human rights abuses can end with your support.



Amnesty International works to stop Cuba human rights violations. Cuba human rights abuses can end with your support.



Amnesty International works to stop Mexico human rights violations. Mexico human rights abuses can end with your support.


Let the People Speak

The December 2005 deliberate destruction of the medieval Djulfa cemetery is not a mere manifestation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. It reflects wider oppression of cultural rights in Azerbaijan.

December 21, 2010


Indonesia Must Block Virginity Tests for School Girls

As reports surfaced of Indonesian high schools forcing their female students to take pregnancy and virginity tests, we’re getting concerned about the effect this will have on women’s rights throughout…

November 15, 2010


Indonesian Girls Lack of Reproductive Health Services

A new report from Amnesty International, Left Without a Choice, highlights the frightening and almost insurmountable task women and girls in Indonesia face in achieving reproductive health in the face…

November 4, 2010


Prop 8 Out, Equality In

The U.S. District Court has sent a clear message on Proposition 8: discrimination by any means is unacceptable.

August 5, 2010


Priorities, Priorities

Pakistan has been in the news lately for some completely horrific human rights violations, including one last week, where 70 Ahmadi worshippers were killed in their mosques in Lahore, allegedly…

June 2, 2010