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Showing 337-345 of 345 Results


Long Awaited Day in Court for Gay Couple in Malawi

A court date has been set for the trial of Malawi nationals Tiwonge Chimbalanga and Steven Monjeza. The charge? Engaging in “unnatural practices between males and gross public indecency,” punishable…

May 10, 2010


Iraq: Civilians Under Fire

Seven years after the US invasion of Iraq, violence is still taking the lives of countless Iraqis. Amnesty International’s new report Iraq, Civilians Under Fire exposes the ongoing violence inflicted…

May 3, 2010


To Midwife or Not to Midwife…..?

By Cynthia Walsh, Field Organizer for Amnesty International USA Pregnant with my first child! Excitedly, I began immediately searching for a nurse midwife who would guide me and serve as…

April 22, 2010


All Malawians Should be Treated with Love

Malawi president Bingu wa Mutharika will purportedly participate in a traditional engagement ceremony on Valentine's Day with the lovely woman he has been seen escorting of late. I wish him all the happiness in the…

February 8, 2010


Imprisoned For Love in Malawi

Homosexuality is little tolerated or accepted in much of Africa. South Africa legalized gay marriage in 2006, but incidence of hate crimes towards gay and lesbian persons are not uncommon. Uganda…

January 8, 2010


Protesters March on U.S. Capital

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Photo credit - Yousef Almulhem (September 2009)"][/caption] Tens of thousands of protesters came together at a rally Sunday afternoon following a march through the streets of…

October 15, 2009


It's the Morning After and My Marriage Feels Fine

The stars appear to be aligning. Yesterday, for the first time, a state legislature voted to allow same-sex marriage. Vermont joined Connecticut, Massachusetts, and recently Iowa, in recognizing marriage equality.…

April 8, 2009


Why Prop 8 Impacts All of Us

Until I attended law school, my strongest exposure to court rooms came from an old "L.A. Law" addiction.  (If you don't know what that is, do me a favor and…

March 5, 2009


Happy Human Rights Day!

[caption id="attachment_512" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Manya Menapace, 81, of Pennsylvania, has already started writing letters for the Global Write-a-thon."][/caption] Today is a day when I feel especially grateful for all my…

December 10, 2008