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Showing 121-132 of 435 Results


Crimes Against Humanity in Myanmar

To view PDF click here: Crimes Against Humanity in Myanmar Early in the morning of 25 August 2017, a Rohingya armed group known as the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA)…

May 15, 2019

Press Release

Myanmar: Genuine press freedom must follow release of Reuters journalists

Responding to news of the amnesty and release of Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, Nicholas Bequelin, Amnesty International’s East and Southeast Asia Director said the following.

May 7, 2019
TOPSHOT - Reuters journalists Wa Lone (L) and Kyaw Soe Oo gesture as they walk to Insein prison gate after being freed in a presidential amnesty in Yangon on May 7, 2019. - Two Reuters journalists who had been jailed for their reporting on the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar walked out of prison on May 7, freed in a presidential amnesty after a global campaign for their release. (Photo by ANN WANG / POOL / AFP) (Photo credit should read ANN WANG/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Myanmar: Reuters journalists’ rejected appeal a tragic denial of justice

Responding to the decision by Myanmar’s Supreme Court to uphold the conviction and seven year prison sentence of Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, Nicholas Bequelin Amnesty International’s…

April 23, 2019
Reuters journalist Wa Lone (C) is escorted by police out of a court in Yangon on August 27, 2018. - A Myanmar court postponed ruling on August 27 whether two Reuters journalists, Myanmar nationals Wa Lone, 32, and Kyaw Soe Oo, 28 violated a state secrets law while reporting on the Rohingya crisis, a judge said, with a new date set for next week. (Photo by YE AUNG THU / AFP) (Photo credit should read YE AUNG THU/AFP/Getty Images)


Human Rights on Capitol Hill March Edition

To view PDF click here: Human Rights on Capitol Hill March Human Rights on Capitol Hill published by Amnesty International USA  March 14, 2019  In this edition of Human Rights on…

March 13, 2019