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Showing 301-312 of 435 Results


Death Sentences and Executions 2013

Despite the setbacks in 2013, there has been a steady decline in the number of countries using the death penalty over the last 20 years, and there was progress in…

March 25, 2014

Press Release

Push for Russia and China to Sign Arms Treaty

With more than 100 countries having signed the groundbreaking Arms Trade Treaty, Amnesty International today urged all countries and especially China and Russia -- the two holdouts among the Permanent…

September 26, 2013


Annual Report: Thailand 2013

Kingdom of Thailand Head of state King Bhumibol Adulyadej Head of government Yingluck Shinawatra The armed conflict continued in the South as insurgents targeted civilians in violent attacks, while security…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Myanmar 2013

Republic of the Union of Myanmar Head of state and government Thein Sein Amid ongoing political, legal and economic reforms, the authorities released hundreds of prisoners of conscience; however, many…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: Japan 2013

Japan Head of government Shinzō Abe (replaced Yoshihiko Noda) Police abuse and irregularities in police interrogations took place in Japan's criminal justice system. The authorities continued to reject calls for…

May 20, 2013


Arrested for Opening Up Monasteries?

For those who were lulled into believing that the government of Myanmar is new and improved, and that reforms are taking place with unsurpassed speed, the rearrest of former Amnesty…

December 6, 2012