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Showing 1717-1728 of 11246 Results


44 Members of Congress Urge DHS to Free Pastor Steven

On August 18, 44 Members of Congress, led by Congressman Jim McGovern, wrote to Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Wolf, urging his agency to free Pastor Steven Tendo, an…

August 20, 2020


#FreeBillieAllen, The Art of Innocence

The resumption of executions at the Federal level in the United States puts many death row inmates at risk of death, particularly at the accelerated pace at which they are…

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Statement on Luis Kutner

Responding to the role of Luis Kutner in Amnesty International, who died in 1993 and may be linked to the murder of Fred Hampton, Amnesty International USA issued the following…

August 13, 2020

Press Release

Attacks on journalists in Belarus mount amid protest crackdown

The Belarusian authorities must immediately end their assault on journalists, Amnesty International said today, amid reports of journalists being arrested, beaten, and targeted with rubber bullets while covering the vicious police…

August 12, 2020
People help paramedics carry a person who is injured and bleeding
Photo by Viktor DrachevTASS via Getty Images