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Press Release

Historic Ireland abortion referendum victory sends message of hope around the world

Reacting to news of the victory for the “Yes” campaign in Ireland’s referendum on abortion, Colm O Gorman, Executive Director of Amnesty International Ireland said the following.

May 26, 2018
DUBLIN, IRELAND - MAY 26: A young woman walks past art work featuring Savita Halappanavar which states 'Never Again' as the results in the Irish referendum on the 8th amendment concerning the country's abortion laws takes place at Dublin Castle on May 26, 2018 in Dublin, Ireland. Savita Halappanavar who became the symbol of the Yes campaign to repeal the 8th amendment, died aged 32, due to complications following a septic miscarriage in Galway in 2012. Voters in Ireland went to the polls yesterday to decide whether to abolish or keep the 8th amendment, which makes it illegal for a woman to have an abortion in the country unless in circumstances where her life is at risk. Exit polls have indicated that the Yes vote has won by a landslide majority. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)


Myanmar: New evidence reveals Rohingya armed group massacred scores in Rakhine State

A Rohingya armed group brandishing guns and swords is responsible for at least one, and potentially a second, massacre of up to 99 Hindu women, men, and children as well…

May 22, 2018
Bina Bala, a 22-year-old woman who survived a massacre of Hindu villagers by the armed group, Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) on 25 August 2017. She is pictured in Kutupalong refugee camp in Bangladesh in September 2017, where she was briefly before being returned to Myanmar in October 2017. She told Amnesty International. “[The men] held knives and long iron rods. They tied our hands behind our backs and blindfolded us. I asked what they were doing. One of them replied, ‘You and Rakhine are the same, you have a different religion, you can’t live here. He spoke the [Rohingya] language. They asked what belongings we had, then they beat us. Eventually I gave them my gold and money.”


An Open Letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

Amnesty International USA Appropriations Priorities for Fiscal Year 2019 - International Affairs Budget 5/22/2018 In advance of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings this week…

May 22, 2018


Call Script for Humanitarian Aid

Please use the below sample script to call your Senators and your Representative and ask them to support robust funding for humanitarian assistance for refugees and displaced people! CALL 1-877-892-6897…

May 22, 2018