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Deadly but Preventable Attacks: Killings and Enforced Disappearances of Those who Defend Human Rights

States around the world are failing in their duty to effectively protect people who defend human rights, leading to an escalation in preventable killings and enforced disappearances, Amnesty International said…

December 4, 2017
Aktion zum "Internationalen Tag gegen das Verschwindenlassen" am 29082014 in Berlin. ( © Henning Schacht Leuthener Str. 1 - D 10829 Berlin - phone (+49) 0177 6443393 )

Press Release

Amnesty Responds to Supreme Court Travel Ban Decision

Following the Supreme Court’s decision to allow President Trump’s travel ban to go into full effect, Ashley Houghton, tactical campaigns manager at Amnesty International USA, released the following statement:

December 4, 2017
AIUSA Executive Director Margaret and AI Secretary General Salil Shetty delivered a letter to the Department of Homeland Security Secretary, outlining numerous personal stories of people who are affected by the Muslim ban, asking DHS to release full information about how the ban has been implemented, and demanding that DHS help roll back the ban. As a part of the protests outside, we projected “No Ban, No Wall” on the building along with photos of refugees in Lebanon and Kenya provided by Magnum Photography.

Press Release

USA: Pentagon cancels ban on deadliest cluster munitions

Responding to news that the US Pentagon will indefinitely postpone a ban on older models of cluster munitions, Patrick Wilcken, Researcher on Arms Control and Human Rights at Amnesty International, said:

December 1, 2017


Human Rights on Capitol Hill: November 2017

In this edition of Human Rights on Capitol Hill: (1) Rohingya:  Secretary Tillerson condemns Myanmar military’s atrocities against the Rohingya as ethnic cleansing, but Congress needs to pass legislation to ensure…

December 1, 2017

Press Release

Syria: Banned Soviet-made cluster munitions fuel humanitarian catastrophe in Eastern Ghouta

Syrian government forces’ increasing use of banned Soviet-made cluster munitions to carry out indiscriminate attacks and direct attacks on civilians amid a tightening siege in rebel-held Eastern Ghouta has killed…

November 29, 2017
A general view shows damaged buildings in the Qastal al-Harami neighborhood of Aleppo's Old City on December 9, 2016. Syria's government has retaken at least 85 percent of east Aleppo, which fell to rebels in 2012, since beginning its operation on November 15. / AFP / George OURFALIAN (Photo credit should read GEORGE OURFALIAN/AFP/Getty Images)