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Member Center Webinar Sign-up

Join us to see how the new Member Center works, ask questions, provide feedback, and share what other features you’d like to see in the coming months. Please fill out…



You can help free human rights defenders in Turkey. Imagine being arrested simply for defending human rights. This is what happened in Turkey to Idil Eser, the Director of Amnesty…

Press Release

Outrageous charges against jailed Amnesty staff in Turkey must be rejected

Responding to news that a prosecutor has filed an indictment calling for jail terms of up to 15 years on terror charges for 11 human rights activists including Idil Eser…

October 8, 2017
AI France staff membres protesting the arrest and detention of AI Turkey director Idil Eser and AI Turkey chairman Taner Kiliç at the Turkish embassy in Paris on 10 July 2017.


Forced Back to Danger: Asylum-Seekers Returned from Europe to Afghanistan

European governments have put thousands of Afghans in harm’s way by forcibly returning them to a country where they are at serious risk of torture, kidnapping, death and other human…

October 4, 2017
Afghan security forces personnel are seen at the site of a car bomb attack in Kabul on May 31, 2017. At least 40 people were killed or wounded on May 31 as a massive blast ripped through Kabul's diplomatic quarter, shattering the morning rush hour and bringing carnage to the streets of the Afghan capital. / AFP PHOTO / SHAH MARAI (Photo credit should read SHAH MARAI/AFP/Getty Images)