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Staff Profile Update

We’d like to feature all staff on the website so the public can get an understanding of whom we are and how we help. Please fill out the form below…

Press Release

Egypt: NGO law threatens to annihilate human rights groups

A new law signed by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, imposing unprecedentedly harsh restrictions on NGOs, could be a death sentence for human rights groups in the country, Amnesty International…

May 30, 2017

Press Release

Authorities shut down an Amnesty International press conference in Cameroon

Authorities in Cameroon have shut down an Amnesty International press conference scheduled to take place in Yaoundé this morning. The press conference was calling attention to the case of three…

May 24, 2017
Ivo's elder brother holding Ivo's photo. Fomusoh Ivo Feh was arrested in December 2014 for sending a sarcastic SMS joke to his friends. Along with two of his friends who received the message, he was charged with trying to organise a rebellion against the state and non-denunciation, and are held under national security and criminal laws. They face trial in a military court and could be sentenced to up to 20 years in prison for their “crime”.