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Showing 685-696 of 11210 Results


Detainees Tortured to Crush Opposition to Coup in Myanmar

Authorities in Myanmar’s prisons and interrogation centres routinely subject people detained for resisting the 2021 military coup to torture and other cruel or degrading treatment, Amnesty International said today in…

August 1, 2022
STR/AFP via Getty Images


RAC’22 Planning committee application

Planning committee application The Conference Programming Committee (CPC) is a group of  AIUSA member leaders who will review the 2022 conference program session proposals and select the final sessions for…


Press Release

Authorities Must Investigate Massacre of Ethnic Amhara in Tole

The Ethiopian authorities must urgently launch an impartial investigation into the summary killing of over 400 Amhara residents of Tole Kebele in Oromia region on June 18, Amnesty International said…

July 21, 2022
J. Countess/Getty Images


2022 Regional Activism Conference

Amnesty International USA is announce our first ever fully hybrid conference. Dates: October 21st – 23rd theme: Resilient Activism AIUSA’s Regional Activism Conference will provide a space for people to…