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Showing 7765-7776 of 11268 Results


Amnesty International in a Dictator's Zoo?

Sasha Baron Cohen's new comedy "The Dictator" gives a nod to Amnesty International. But will the comedy shed light on real life abuses? We'll see.

February 5, 2012


Coming Face to Face with Torture

In a trip to Poland, the author discovers drawings of Gestapo interrogations that look frighteningly familiar to "enhanced interrogation techniques" approved by the US government.

February 3, 2012


Ohio's Death Penalty Needs A Time-Out

The case of Tyrone Noling is yet another example of how deeply flawed Ohio's death penalty is, and why a moratorium on executions is desperately needed.

February 2, 2012


Haiti: A Safe Haven for "Baby Doc" Duvalier…Really?

Haiti has dropped the case against former leader Jean-Claude Duvalier, despite evidence of his involvement in torture, disappearances, and killings. Will "Baby Doc" really get away with murder?

February 2, 2012