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Showing 8233-8244 of 11264 Results


Jabbar Savalan

Jabbar Savalan, a 20-year-old student in Azerbaijan, was sentenced to more than 2 years in prison on fabricated drug charges. Amnesty International considers him to be a prisoner of conscience.

Press Release

Secure Communities Expansion a Draconian Step

The Secure Communities expansion announced by the Department of Homeland Security will undermine crime prevention and further marginalize groups that are already at risk.

August 5, 2011


Georgia must end forced evictions of internally displaced

The Georgian government must put a stop to forced evictions of internally displaced people and provide them with adequate housing, Amnesty International said today. The call comes as Amnesty International…

August 4, 2011


Act Now or Gitmo Never Ends

Prevent Guantanamo becoming a permanent stain on the reputation of the United States.

August 3, 2011


Will India Step Up to the Plate on Syria?

Despite the rhetoric of a "emerging power", India has been passive in standing up on behalf of human rights during this year of uprisings in the Middle East.

August 3, 2011