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Showing 9817-9828 of 11213 Results


The Attack On US Workers' Rights

Amnesty International urges several US states to abandon planned legislation that would drastically restrict workers' rights.

March 17, 2011


Georgia Execution Drugs Seized by DEA

Yesterday, the DEA seized Georgia’s supply of sodium thiopental, the anesthetic most states use as the first drug in a three drug cocktail to execute prisoners, explaining that there are…

March 16, 2011


Mass-graves and State Silence in Turkey

In the nineties, at the height of the war between the Turkish military and the Kurdish nationalist Kurdish Worker's Party, or PKK, it was clear that the Turkish security forces…

March 15, 2011


Joan Baez: A Lifetime of Human Rights Advocacy

Amnesty International turns 50 this year, and closely linked to Amnesty's legacy of championing human rights is that of folk legend Joan Baez. Baez was an active Amnesty supporter from…

March 14, 2011


Suggested Itinerary for Sarah Palin’s Visit to India

Memo to Former Governor Sarah Palin regarding her upcoming visit to India... To: Former Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin From: Govind Acharya, South Asia Co-Group, Amnesty International USA Subject: Your…

March 14, 2011


Freedom of the Press? Not in Turkey

Increasingly, Turkey is not a place where it is safe to work as a journalist. In the past weeks, police have arrested a string of journalists, accusing them of being…

March 14, 2011


First Steps Toward Abolition in Connecticut

Following the lead of Illinois, Connecticut took a step toward death penalty abolition with a marathon hearing on Monday, March 7. Yale Amnesty group coordinator testified at the hearing and…

March 11, 2011