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Showing 10081-10092 of 11213 Results


Another Country, Another Assassination

It has been a week of tragic political violence in the United States, and as we collectively mourn our fellow citizens and brave public servants at home, it is sad…

January 14, 2011


Kangaroos Storm DC to Close Guantanamo!

[caption id="attachment_16744" align="alignleft" width="454" caption="The kangaroo photos are further down!"][/caption] On January 11th, over 200 activists marched from the White House to the Department of Justice to mark the 9th anniversary…

January 12, 2011


Good News: Qusay Case Resolved in Iraq

I'm happy to share good news today: Qusay 'Abdel-Razaq Zabib, a former police officer detained without charge in Iraq for over two years, has been released. His case was detailed…

January 7, 2011


Did You Write for Rights?

[caption id="attachment_16680" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="A Write for Rights event in France"][/caption] It has been fantastic to hear about the Write for Rights activities that have taken place around the world!…

January 7, 2011


Rep. King's Terrorism Problem

Yesterday, with the opening of the 112th Congress, Representative Peter King (R-NY) succeeded Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MI) as the Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee.

January 6, 2011


Join the Close Guantanamo March in DC on Jan 11

Join us in Washington DC on January 11th for a  march to close Guantanamo! We'll gather at the White House at 11AM for some short speeches and then march to the…

January 5, 2011


A Perverse Equality in Malawi and Other Gay Rights News

[caption id="attachment_16565" align="alignleft" width="202" caption="Uganda's proposed "Anti-Homosexuality Bill" received support from Christian groups © Demotix/Edward Echwalu "][/caption] Last year, a couple was imprisoned for several months in Malawi following a…

January 5, 2011


Security and Justice in Cote d’Ivoire

As ECOWAS negotiators entered a second round of talks with incumbent president Gbagbo, security and justice for Ivorian citizens must remain the main concern. Any violators of human rights can…

January 4, 2011