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Showing 10333-10344 of 11212 Results


Global Day of Action for Sri Lankan Journalist

Next  Tuesday, August 10, will be the 200th day since the Sri Lankan journalist and cartoonist Prageeth Eknaligoda went missing after work.  Amnesty International and other organizations have been calling…

August 6, 2010


Prop 8 Out, Equality In

The U.S. District Court has sent a clear message on Proposition 8: discrimination by any means is unacceptable.

August 5, 2010


Your Guantanamo Questions Answered

Join Amnesty's Tom Parker to get your questions answered about Guantanamo prison & the upcoming Military Commission trial for detainee Omar Khadr, who has been in U.S. custody since age…

August 5, 2010


International Community Fails Kyrgyzstan

Nearly two months after the worst of the violence has subsided, the international community has failed to push for justice in Kyrgyzstan. To this day, entire neighborhoods are still burned…

August 4, 2010


A State of Siege in Texas?

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced this week that the 1,200 National Guard troops that President Barack Obama ordered to the southwest border were deployed on Aug. 1, and hundreds…

August 4, 2010


Kenyans Face a New Vote Tomorrow

By Mariah Ortiz, Kenya Human Rights Commission in Nairobi Kenyans are eagerly preparing to vote tomorrow on a proposed new constitution, less than three years since the presidential election that…

August 3, 2010


Time Running Out for Omar Khadr

After enduring eight years of torture and abuse as a child at Guantanamo, Omar Khadr is slated to face an unfair trial held by Guantanamo's military commissions - a system…

August 3, 2010


Paying for a Lawyer's Mistake with Your Life

Should a client suffer the consequences because his lawyers screwed up?  Adam Liptak, who covers the Supreme Court for the New York Times, wrote an interesting piece today about a new…

August 3, 2010


President Obama signs Tribal Law and Order Act

Last Thursday afternoon, I had the privilege of attending a special ceremony at the White House where President Obama signed into law H.R. 725 – the Tribal Law and Order…

August 2, 2010