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Showing 10381-10392 of 11212 Results


Indonesian Prisoner Yusak Pakage Released!

Indonesian prisoner of conscience Yusak Pakage has been released from prison! Along with fellow political prisoner Chosmos Yual, Pakage was released this morning from the Doyo Baru prison. Pakage was…

July 7, 2010


Kevin Keith and the Witness Who Wasn't There

A man faces execution despite a strong claim of innocence.  With a conviction based on deeply flawed witness testimony, and emerging evidence pointing to an alternative suspect, doubts about his…

July 6, 2010


It's here – UN Women!

Today the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution creating a new entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women, otherwise known as UN Women. Amnesty has been campaigning for a…

July 3, 2010


When Will the Horror End?

When I returned home this evening, I saw the gruesome pictures showing yet more innocent people killed while preparing to worship in Lahore, Pakistan.  The Data Ganj Baksh is one…

July 2, 2010


Victory for Maternal Health in New York!

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="277" caption="Jadzia (the little one), just hours after being caught by a midwife at our home. "][/caption] I had written last week on this blog about the…

July 1, 2010


Yahoo – Poster Boy for Internet Censorship

Amnesty International representatives attended Yahoo's shareholder meeting to keep the pressure on Yahoo to push for the release of Shi Tao, imprisoned in China for sending an email.

July 1, 2010


The Cancer of Democracy

Though some describe the Obama administration as the anti-torture presidency, much of Obama's actions have not lived up to his campaign promises or presidential rhetoric to stop the use of…

June 29, 2010


That's Totally Lame

So the Government of India claims that its approach towards its human rights violating neighboring Myanmar (aka Burma) is all swell as the dickens. Um, no. In fact, as Aung…

June 29, 2010


Remembering Kalpana Chakma

It was about 14 years ago that a 20-year old indigenous rights activist Kalpana Chakma disappeared and is presumably dead.  We know that she was kidnapped along with two of…

June 29, 2010