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Showing 10597-10608 of 11210 Results


Rockin Out the Valentines For Zimbabwe

[caption id="attachment_7880" align="alignleft" width="366" caption="Calling All Crows/State Radio Loves WOZA!"][/caption] I had a busy Valentine's Day writing valentines to 75,000 Zimbabweans and a squadron of anti-riot police. It was quite exhausting. Fortunately,…

February 15, 2010


February 15-19: Take Action to Stop the Flow of Conflict Minerals

[caption id="attachment_7839" align="alignleft" width="241" caption="Child labourers at a cassiterite (tin oxide mineral) mine in Numbi, South Kivu, April 2009. Copyright Amnesty International "][/caption] Next week, activists like you are mobilizing…

February 13, 2010


My Name Is Khan and I'm Not a Terrorist

UPDATE: Shiv Sena, a political organization with waning popularity, has been actively campaigning against this film.  Given the recent history of Shiv Sena, one can only assume that this movie…

February 12, 2010


Tell Zimbabwe Anti-Riot Police: Real Men Don't Beat Women!

[caption id="attachment_7798" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Zimbabwe police officers © APGraphicsBank"][/caption] Pig. Fuzz. 5-0 (as in Hawaii). These are some American slang terms for police. I won't even get into some of…

February 11, 2010


Don't Mine Us Out of Existence

UPDATE: Apparently the tribes in Orissa have asked James Cameron, the director of record-winning film Avatar for his assistance in stopping Vedanta's operations. UK-based company is destroying the environment of…

February 9, 2010


All Malawians Should be Treated with Love

Malawi president Bingu wa Mutharika will purportedly participate in a traditional engagement ceremony on Valentine's Day with the lovely woman he has been seen escorting of late. I wish him all the happiness in the…

February 8, 2010


Book Him Danno

Last week Attorney-General Eric Holder wrote to Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell about the circumstances surrounding the arrest of underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on Christmas Day 2009. A plainly…

February 8, 2010


In Solidarity with the People of Iran

The first charter on human rights was authored by Cyrus the Great over 2500 years ago. As Iranians we are heirs to a proud tradition of human rights and tolerance.…

February 6, 2010


The Road Not Taken

More disappointing news emerged on Monday for those who believe that US law and professional ethics should actually mean something. The long awaited Justice Department Office of Professional Responsibility report…

February 4, 2010