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Showing 10645-10656 of 11210 Results


Colbert: Death Penalty Deters Hunting Interns for Sport

If the death penalty is unconstitutionally wanton and freakish, then what about Lady Gaga?  A profound, if unanswered question that Stephen Colbert raised last night as he lamented the decline…

January 8, 2010


Sri Lankan editor's killers still at large

About a year ago, my first entry was posted to this site, about the murder of the Sri Lankan editor Lasantha Wickramatunga on Jan. 8, 2009.   Mr. Wickramatunga had been an outspoken…

January 6, 2010


Intractable Obstacles

Last year ended with the news of a record low number of death sentences, and with the decision by the American Law Institute, described today in the New York Times,…

January 5, 2010


A message from Sting

We sent this moving message from Sting earlier today to our email list.  In light of the recent startling developments in Iran, we’re also sharing it with you here on…

December 29, 2009


Get everyone on YouTube talking about human rights!

Today, we're premiering our video homage to supporters who help spread human rights stories far and wide! YouTube is featuring our new, animated video "The Power of Words" on its…

December 27, 2009


Local activists targeted in occupied Palestinian territories

Abdallah Abu Rahme is affable and articulate.  Last July, when I called to set up a time to talk before one of the weekly protests in his village, Bi'lin in the occupied West Bank, he made…

December 23, 2009


Southern Africa Year in Review 2009

[caption id="attachment_6908" align="alignleft" width="168" caption="Waiting in line to vote. ©Amnesty International"][/caption] As 2009 winds down, here's a wrap up of the year's highlights from the southern Africa region. From elections,…

December 22, 2009