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Showing 10705-10716 of 11210 Results


A Half Measure of Justice

The Obama administration’s decision to refer a further five GTMO detainees, including self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, for trial federal court in New York City is a small but…

November 16, 2009


Detention Reform: Jailed and Forgotten?

A new report released by New York's City Bar Justice Center opens a window not only to the problems of immigrants being held in the Varick Federal Detention Center, but…

November 11, 2009


Write-a-thon Series: The Women of Atenco

This posting is part of our Write-a-Thon Cases Series. For more information visit [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="© Private"][/caption] You've read before on this blog about the women of Atenco,…

November 10, 2009


The Execution of John Muhammad

UPDATE:  Virginia Governor Tim Kaine has denied John Muhammad's request for clemency. This evening Texas and Virginia, the two most prolific executing states in the USA, are both slated to…

November 10, 2009


Human Rights Flashpoints – November 10, 2009

What's Up This Week Colombia – Venezuela: No Love Sudan: Threat Against Election Officials Upcoming This Week Colombia and Venezuela – The Cold War Continues? The tension between Colombia and…

November 10, 2009


Zimbabwe's Heroes

[caption id="attachment_6046" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Magodonga Mahlangu and Jenni Williams of WOZA"][/caption] Zimbabwe gets a lot of bad press, but not many are aware of some of the amazing people making…

November 9, 2009


Dollars and cents of new health care legislation

While protesters have been occupying House Speaker Pelosi's office, demanding a health care system that serves "Patients not Profit", the House of Representatives is preparing to vote on the market-based…

November 6, 2009


Iranian Human Rights Defender Barred from Accepting His Award

[caption id="attachment_6033" align="alignleft" width="220" caption="Emadeddin Baghi, leading human rights activist in Iran"][/caption] On Monday November 9, the award ceremony for this year’s winner of the Martin Ennals Award for human…

November 6, 2009


Turkey: Arrest & Surrender Bashir!

Sudanese President Omar al Bashir is expected in Istanbul, Turkey, this Sunday and Monday for a summit of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). Back in March, the International…

November 6, 2009


The Italian Job

Earlier today an Italian court convicted in absentia twenty-two CIA officers and a colonel in the US Air Force of charges relating to the February 2003 kidnapping of Muslim cleric…

November 5, 2009


Extraordinary Rendition After Milan: What Now?

For all the talk about moving forward, the extent of the illegal American practices, particularly involving rendition and torture, has still not been publicly disclosed. If the Obama Administration doesn’t…

November 4, 2009