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Showing 10957-10968 of 11210 Results


The Name Says It All: Burma's Insein Prison

[caption id="attachment_2109" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Myanmar's Insein Prison, where Auung San Suu Kyi and hundreds of others are held (c) Digital Globe 2008. Image taken from Google Earth"][/caption] Myanmar's opposition leader…

May 15, 2009


International tribunal needed on Sri Lanka

While the fighting in Sri Lanka's war zone reportedly intensified today, we saw a couple of firsts in terms of public statements on the crisis:  for the first time, the…

May 14, 2009


Irony, Zimbabwe Style

Last week, 18 human rights defenders and political activists in Zimbabwe had their bail revoked, sent to prison and then bail granted again the following day after Zimbabwe civil society…

May 13, 2009


Sri Lanka: While the UN talks, the killing goes on

While members of the U.N. Security Council met informally in New York yesterday to discuss the humanitarian crisis in Sri Lanka's war zone, there were claims of more civilian deaths from…

May 12, 2009


Satellite Imagery Offers Glimpse on Sri Lankan War Zone

[caption id="attachment_2059" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Before and After: Right image (May 10) shows significant removal of IDP shelters compared to left image (May 6). Copyright 2009 DigitalGlobe."][/caption] New satellite imagery analysis…

May 12, 2009


UN: bloodbath now in Sri Lanka

Yesterday, a doctor working in Sri Lanka's war zone reported that at least 378 people were killed by shelling over the weekend.  The doctor said that 1,122 others had been injured and…

May 11, 2009


Sri Lanka: Red Cross needs security guarantees

Yesterday, a ferry chartered by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) evacuated 495 sick and injured patients from the Sri Lankan war zone and delivered 25 metric tons…

May 8, 2009


Good News from Chevron: Toxic Waste Won't Make You Sick!

The thousands of communities living among Texaco’s decades-old toxic waste pits in the Amazon will be so relieved!  It turns out that despite decades of scientific research, long-term exposure to…

May 8, 2009


Not So Merry Go 'Round of Justice in Zimbabwe

It's a bad time to be defender of human rights in Zimbabwe. Late last year, Zimbabwe authorities abducted eighteen human rights defenders and political activists.  Their families feared them dead.  …

May 8, 2009


Make It the Best Mother's Day!

Ground-breaking legislation that could help end violence against women around the world is currently in Senator Kerry's hands – just in time for mother's day.   What a great gift it…

May 7, 2009


Amnesty Researchers On-the-Ground in Chad

Amnesty International researchers are currently on-the-ground in Chad investigating the growing numbers of refugees streaming across the border from Darfur.  Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty Canada, has been documenting…

May 6, 2009